Wednesday, June 01, 2011

A Damn Good Cause

I know someone who holds foster adoption as dear to her heart as I do.  She's a foster mom, and also the adoptive mom of a foster child.  She loves her son and is currently looking for a sibling for him.

Foster children have what are called 'Life Books' that contain stories and photographs of their lives as they go through the foster care system.  Since their lives are so uprooted, it's a way for them to record their memories.  This way, they have something that they can own, and be proud of, and look back on.  It is usually passed on to the adoptive parents, or in some cases, back to the biological parents if it is deemed that they are to go back home.

Sometimes the children are so nomadic, living out of cardboard boxes, and constantly moving, that these Lifebooks are lost.  Or they aren't kept up well by their foster parents.  It's understandable, but not acceptable.

Enter Andrea.  She has a plan to make these Life Books digital, so that all of their information is readily accessible and available, no matter where they go.  This service is free to foster children and their families.  It is in the upstart stages, but I see this idea taking off and becoming the new norm.  How wonderful that these children always have access to their memories.  How wonderful that no matter where they end up, they will always be able to look back on their lives, and never lose these memories.

Recently, Digital Lifebooks entered the Pepsi Refresh Everything contest to win a $50,00 grant towards the cost of implementing this idea.  PLEASE, go to Digital LifeBooks - Pepsi Contest and vote for them to win!!  You can vote once per day.  It's a great cause, one that is near and dear to our hearts, and it would mean the world to a child.

Be the change - and vote!

Much Love!

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