Now that we've informed everyone we need to about our Big! New! Adventure!, I can talk about it here.
In the immortal words of the late, great Notorious B.I.G., we're going (going) back (back) to Cali (Cali). (Please do not confuse this song with the one by LL Cool J.)
Chris has been offered an amazing opportunity with another airline - and since that's his passion and complete expertise, after much thought, talk, and prayer, we jumped on it.
This is so completely unlike any other move we've done in the past. Before, it was easy-breezy. We set a date, put the house up for sale, and moved. Now, we've got this little chapter in the 'Life Handbook' known as 'The Adoption is NOT Quite Final Yet'. So there's that.
Chris started his new job on the 11th, and will be commuting between San Francisco and Portland for a few months. We've met with a real estate agent and we'll be putting the house on the market on Saturday.
**Side note: Anyone interested in a completely remodeled gorgeous split-level in a quiet, established neighborhood that will be a freaking STEAL? Call me.**
Our kids are very excited for the new adventure, and mostly because it's close to Disneyland. But of course. And the fact that they will now have flight benefits - they think that's cool as all get out. Yeah, just wait until they get stuck at the Vegas airport because all of the hungover people missed their early flights and decided to roll. Not that I've ever had that happen. Twice.
So now I'm playing single mom five days a week, and running quite the tight ship. Menu plans, chore charts and a couple of pretty cooperative kids makes for a relatively easy go of it. Of course, they're 10 and 7, and of all the pros in THAT list, it's that they only mutiny every once in a great while. Usually it's the Boy.
I'm proud of my husband - he's making sacrifices of time right now with his children to provide them with a better opportunity in the future. And we both know that looking back on this when we are at Mile Marker 58, and living together daily again, we will see that this was a blip on the radar, a drop in the bucket, a molehill on a mountain. And any other metaphorical nonsense you can insert here.
To assist with the transition of daddy being gone, I've been taking two days off a week and will do so through the end of the month. The kids go to camp for a week the first of August, and then we're getting back to our routine. I want this to be as painless as possible for them, and so far they're on board and handling it like we always do - as a team.
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