I'm grabbing a few minutes to myself to blog and write down what's going on around here.
I re-read my last entry and found myself shaking my head. I feel like I am a pretty good judge of character, but sometimes even *I* find myself shaking my head at my complete lack of judgment. That 'job' down there? Yeah, it didn't quite work out. Seems I was mislead - A LOT - about the position, the state of the company, the opportunity, and the staff. Sometimes a hot mess is just that, and you need to walk away from the smoldering ashes.
My kids came back from Arizona where they had a blast with their grandparents. Our good friends Scott and Jason came to visit us and we enjoyed spending the weekend with them. After that, Chris's brother Eric and his wife Misty came to visit for a few days. And Monday, my kids went back to school. Which means mommy has been waking up, making lunches, and getting them out the door.
I've actually been very busy, taking care of errands and small little projects that need to be done but could be put off while the kids were home.
Jordan is getting quite the reality check with her new junior high schedule. She changes classes, has an elective, and a locker. Wyatt loves his new teacher. So much so, that his math has VASTLY improved, over the less than stellar teacher he had last year. He WANTS to go to school, and she's amazing with him. It's wonderful what happens when you have a teacher that cares, and doesn't just constantly complain about having 27 students in her class.
And I'm back in the hunt for gainful, SANE employment. We'll see what happens.
This weekend is the last long weekend we get until October. So we decided to take the kids to California and head to Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor! We surprised them with it last night and they're very excited. Chris and I want our children to have the best possible childhood we can give them. Memories are way more important to us than things. We don't buy our children a lot of things, but we do a lot to make memories. We started behind the eight-ball with a very skeptical and cautious 9 (now 11) year old girl, and a shy and reserved 7 (almost 9) year old boy. They've since come to understand that this is their family, and we are it, like it or not. So while we missed some of their very formative years, we've been blessed in that we can do these things where we take trips and make memories. Our most recent proof of the love our children have for our travel bug was when Jordan told us, in no uncertain terms, that she wanted to go to the family reunion in October. We're most certainly going to try and make that happen.
So that's what's happening here in the Den. It's a lot, and keeping up with it has been daunting. So if you've called me, or emailed me, and I haven't responded, I apologize. It's been a bit crazy.
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